Friday, 22 November 2013

NabBloPoMo Day 20: I Love The Hairdressers

I got my haircut today! The shortest I've had it in years, so it's more manageable on my trip. It was my first haircut all year and it reminded me that going to the hairdressers is one of my all time favourite activities. Often people don't like the experience because of the sitting in front of a mirror for hours, but I think it's one of the most relaxing things ever. Upon arriving you get to sit in a comfy seat and are offered tea or coffee. It's one of the few times I get to read trashy magazines because I never buy them for myself, and reading them while getting pampered makes it quite possible to pretend briefly that I am one of the celebrities or royalty I am reading about. The absolute best part of course is the head massage disguised as a hair wash, not only that but at my hairdressers whilst having your hair washed you sit in a massage chair! I even like the mirror, this however is not an indication of my vanity but a different flaw of mine all together- a need to control. Being able to observe the hairdresser as they go means I know exactly what they are doing at all times and there is no chance of any surprises at the end.

Basically it's the greatest thing ever. I love my new do, I love the hairdresser and all in all it's put me in a great mood!

 My hair as I ate a waffle last week

My hair tonight

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