Sunday, 17 November 2013

NaBloPoMo Day 15: Future Plans

In my mind I always have a million and one ideas of things I'm going to do in the future. These are all complete deviations from my likely actual future which I am properly on the path to - becoming a doctor and hopefully joining doctors without borders- but I like to think they are still all possible.

There's the life where I move to Paris and live alone in a little apartment. I work in Shakespeare and Company, and perfect my french, and read as many books as possible.

There's the other french life where I study at Le Cordon Bleu, become a pastry chef and put on 20 kilos.

There's the more recent decision of moving to LA or Hong Kong or Paris or Orlando and work at Disneyland for a year playing the part of Cinderella.

The life where I move to Oxford to study at the university and ride bikes everywhere.

There's the life where Tess, Henry and I move in together and start a famous cover band in our kitchen.

Or the future where I become a Conservation Biologist and work with Greta to save the sharks.

The plan of starting a party planning company specializing in particularly elaborately themed and catered events.

Even if none of these happen, my actual future is looking pretty good at the moment, taking me to Italy and Norway, Beach trips with friends, studying at Melbourne University and if all goes to plan to New York in not too long.

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