Friday, 29 November 2013

NaBloPoMo Day 27: Night Noodles

I'm sure everyone living in Melbourne for the past two weeks has heard about the Noodle Markets. It's one of those trendy little things that popped up and spread like wildfire over instagram. For only 2 weeks as part of Melbourne Good Food Month, a little part of Alexandra Gardens on the Yarra has been turned into a delicious food and drink wonderland. Open only in the evenings, the markets are full of various different Asian food stalls from restaurants all over Melbourne, and are lit by our gorgeously long twilight and sparkly fairy lights. I hadn't thought I would find time to make it there before I left but tonight managed to fit in a visit as I caught up with some uni friends. We had drinks in classic Melbournian bar found down an alley, pass a row of bins then up some stairs, before taking a tram down Swanston to the market for udon noodles and my first ever Messina Gelato (there were donuts in it!) It's a beautiful view of Melbourne in the changing light, especially because the Yarra looks quite nice in the dark. It was a perfect temporary farewell to my lovely hometown.

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